Abbie & David | Wisconsin Winter Engagement Photography

Love is a funny business. Sometimes we find it close by, near to home, easy and fluid, the stuff high school sweetheart stories are made of. But sometimes, it’s found across the sea and built around plane trips and long distance phone calls, it needs careful tending and extra attention; it happens and we wonder how in the world it ever happened. Abbie & David have that latter kind of love story – a story that starts in Spain where he’s from and wiggles through Wisconsin where she’s from and right now all the chapters are being written in New York where they’ve more or less met in the middle. She’ll say he’s the romantic one, but I could tell in just a few moments of photographing them on a chilly but brilliantly sunny November afternoon close to her childhood home that she’s smitten. David makes her laugh, make her comfortable, makes her happy to be walking on a beach, even if it is practically winter. He makes everything better and she does the same for him. Clearly, they may have had to travel half a world to find one another but every day is mounting evidence to the fact that it was meant to be, Atlantic Ocean in the middle or no.

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suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202