Milwaukee Newborn Photographer | Elias Scott at Home

Baby Elias Scott was brought home a few weeks ago to an adorable, light-filled nursery and home, a home filled with love and dog licks, warm arms and his parents’ tired, but incredibly happy smiles. Elias was born on my own daughter’s birthday and his mom and I have played photo shoot hit and miss for years so I felt honored to be there to document his early days at home. Those days are pretty typical, I think, eating and sleeping and waking and cuddling, of course, but I know that for his parents, newly designated as such, every day is a new adventure. With fur sibling Zooey always near I loved seeing how that adventure is starting out and learning a little bit about the big dreams mom and dad have for Elias. There’s no telling who Elias will turn out to be yet, but I know from watching his little family he’ll be encouraged and challenged, supported and engaged. And judging from his room he’ll be endowed with a strong sense of play, exploration and love of reading. Sounds good to me. Welcome to the world baby boy ~

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202