Wisconsin Spring Engagement Photographer | Katie & Calvin at Pabst

Pabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural light

Katie & Calvin are my favorite kind of couple: warm and oh-so-easy to talk to, the kind of instant friends you can get a beer with or go with someplace that calls for high heels and either way, you know that at the end of the night you’ll be looking forward to the next outing. From Wisconsin but living in Minnesota now, they are building a life based on a deep friendship and mutual respect, and I just loved coming to understand how big their hearts are: despite the distance Calvin travels home often to cheer on his brothers at football games and Katie spends her days teaching elementary school. On the day I photographed them they were planning on post-shoot outtings with their moms and aunts, always keen to make time for family. They are in every way, simply sweet and it was my total pleasure to play in the sunlight with them on an April day as they made light of the low temps, braved the wind gusts, and turned a chilly day into a totally heartwarming experience. Pabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural light

Pabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural lightPabst Brew City Inn Milwaukee Engagement Photography in natural light

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202