Sammy & Chris | Milwaukee Riverfront Engagement Photography

chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement

Sammy and Chris are from Chicagoland and are planning a downtown summer brunch wedding that promises to be all kinds of awesome. They’ll tie the knot in a private ceremony and then celebrate with a larger group of friends and family that are no doubt excited to share in their joy. And joyful is truly a good word to describe Sammy & Chris. Over facetime with me they claimed to be a little shy and not really all about photos of themselves, but the minute Emily turned her camera on them they were nothing but smiles and cuddles and goodness.  Together they meandered along Milwaukee’s riverfront, enamored with the waterway and its breweries, birds, cool architecture and flowering trees. Chris is outgoing and easy to laugh while Sammy is a wee bit more reserved but together they are simply adorable, the kind of people one wants to get to know better, the kind of people who will treat you to a brunch wedding, if you know what I mean.

chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement chicago milwaukee riverfront engagement

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202