Newborn Blythe | Wauwatosa At Home Newborn Session

tosa newborn session at home

I will not pretend that babies are easy to raise, but I will say unequivocally that babies are easy to love. Their chubby cheeks and cashmere-soft hair, their tiny toes and the sheer miracle of their existence all combine to make baby snuggling one of my favorite past times. And folks, it’s been a long time since I was able to snuggle a babe (#ThanksCovid) but adorable, mostly-awake, sweetly grumpy Blythe got me back in the game. Blythe is the third in a series of perfectly wonderful little girls that Jenn & Billy have brought into the world and she is destined to fit in well with big sisters Josephine & Cecelia. And thanks to being fully vaccinated and well-acquainted with hand sanitizer, I was thrilled to get to hold her for a few moments during her at-home newborn session. While her sisters jumped and slid and read and made merry, Blythe was on high alert, seemingly ready to join them, but most likely just intent on being held close to a heart beat. She loves cuddles and being upright, looks great in chambray, and will one day be most-likely to melt her mama’s heart. So here she is: Blythe Erin and along with her, a full-complement of family & fun.

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202