Newborn Benjamin at Home in Whitefish Bay

whitefish baby newborn photography at home

Baby Benjamin is home. Home with his smitten mom & dad, home wrapped in warmth and light, home where he belongs. I met him there this past week where he slept through most of my visit, a picture perfect representation of what a newborn should be at just a week or so old. He is happiest in arms, but if snuggled just the right way he can be persuaded to lounge for the camera. But really why would anyone want to put this babe down? So I asked mom Amy and dad Kip to mostly just hold him and be with him, to steep in this new baby bliss. They obliged and the photos are lovely, just like Benjamin’s home, nursery and family.

whitefish baby newborn photography at home

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202