Tag Archives: Milwaukee lakefront wedding

Allison & Mark | Milwaukee Lakefront Engagement

Sometimes things are very simple. Two people meet. They like each other. Best friendship happens and then that turns to love. They say let’s be together forever and whaddya know? They get engaged and start planning a wedding. Life is good; their love is good. Everything is All Good. That’s too simple you say…maybe, Maybe...

Winter Milwaukee Courthouse Wedding | Christina & Curtis

In many ways, Christina & Curtis expected their courthouse wedding to be something of a formality, a way to officially transition from calling one another fiance to something with more gravity. Engaged for sometime and with three children rounding out their already happy family, it is easy to understand how they could preemptively come to...

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202