Arden Marie | Chicago family photography

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Arden Marie is the most recent member of a particular family I’ve come to hold rather dear. Aunt Michele introduced me to Arden’s mom during her wedding in September and we all met up again at Aunt Amy’s November wedding. In fact, mom Heather was just days before her due date at Michele’s wedding so I feel a bit like I knew her before she was even born. Getting to be a part of a family’s wedding is always a special event for me, but after spending a day in Chicago for Amy’s engagement session, visiting the girls’ family home in lake country AND shooting two weddings with them I really feel like I’m part of something lovely.

Arden lives in Chicago and we had originally settled on shooting in the city but her 6 month birthday came and went before the weather decided to turn warm so we scheduled a 7 month shoot at the studio in early April. She arrived with smiles and lots of personalized accessories that I so enjoyed photographing. Say hello to Arden Marie:

Our session ended with tummy bubbles and a rice cracker snack. Pretty much a perfect ending if you ask me!


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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202