Nora Lucille | Chicago Newborn Photographer

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Nora Lucille is a city girl, with stylish parents (mom is an interior designer), a fluffy fur brother and an amazing extended family that I’ve had the wonderful pleasure to photograph time and again. If you follow the blog then earlier this week you met Louise May, Nora’s cousin, and so you might already be aware of their shared photo-pedigree, but it bears repeating and customizing: Nora is the daughter of Michele & Drew, niece to Amy & Tony, cousin to Arden and to Louise. Basically, she’s got it made with cousins for growing up with, aunts and uncles to show her the way and grandparents to spoil her perfectly rotten. Plus she has a unique, yet classic name – Lucille after her father’s spirited, fun loving grandmother and Nora just for her. Both names have light in their origins so how fitting that her room and space is just that – light and airy and bright. We spent most of her newborn shoot in her sun bathed room with Harry the pup looking on inquisitively and mom and dad taking turns to cuddle and love her into happiness and sleep.

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202