Newborn Oliver | Wisconsin Natural Light Family Photographer

As I approach my 12th (!) year of documenting weddings, babies and families I hold a special place in my heart and life for families that I’ve “been with” from the beginning. This family is one of those that I first met during an engagement session and I’ve been honored to be invited back time and again as their lives have grown fuller, first in marriage, and then with baby Charlotte who became toddler Charlotte, and now with Baby Oliver. Oliver Dominic is already known around these parts as a fighter. When he was in utero his parents found out that he would be born without his abdomen fully closed – that he would need extra help to make it, a surgery or two and that they would have to wait and see how hard or how manageable it was going to be. Fast forward to now and I can gleefully report that this tiny boy with big challenges is catching every curveball thrown his way and is on track to grow up remarkably barrier-free. Despite a feeding tube and partial body cast about his midsection Oliver is, by all reports and in my observation, a very chill little guy. He somehow already seems smart and his big eyes look deeply at the beautiful, playful world around him that includes big sister Charlotte and her beloved mouse stuffed animal. “Mouse” even brought a friend home for Oliver and I imagine before too long Charlotte will spend many hours teaching Oliver how to care for his very own Mouse and that  together they will make their mark on the world.

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tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel 414.944.1475207 E. Buffalo Street
suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53202